welcome to our website!

Our Holiday Club is based in Radyr and open to all children aged 4-12 from 08:00-18:00 Monday to Friday. It is like our Breakfast and After School Clubs, but we manage to pack even more in!

Every day we use private transport go out on a trip from 11:00-15:00. We also have a special guest, entertainer, workshop or equipment as a special treat each day!

We ask that you send your child with a packed lunch, drink and a change of clothes in case they get wet or muddy. We will provide them with breakfast, an afternoon snack and a range of activities and resources to keep them busy all day.

Food Menu

All food and drink provided has individuals’ allergies, cultural requirements and likes/ dislikes taken in to account, making special food orders where required. We operate a healthy eating policy.


what people say about us